Boy did Bailey have fun! She was so overwhelmed with her first Christmas! All the presents, all the paper, all the bows! Here is a quick digital page that I threw together once all the paper quit flying!
1) Your daughter is making a mess and all you think is "Get the camera, this will make a great layout!"
2) You know you are going to be taking pictures at an event (Thanksgiving Dinner, Christmas morning, etc) and so you match your daughter's clothes to the colors you think you will use on the scrapbook pages.
I am looking for people to vendor at my Scrapping for Soldiers all day crop on March 29th. If you sell a product that is of interest to women and you are in the Little Rock, AR area, please contact me. I may have to be picky in who I let vendor, but please contact me to find out if your product is one that I want at the crop.